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Music Downloading Tips:

Some people have wondered when visiting some artist's sites at how to freely download the music, where available as such, and where it says:  BUY NOW name your price.

This is what is displayed when an artist or band's tracks are available for free, and one need only click on the BUY NOW link, and then name your price by typing in 0.00 (zero dollars), and then you are granted access to the download link for the featured album for free.


Harvest Number 87 For Fall 2011

I have Program 87.1 on the air.  It's about 150 tracks by the best Trip Hop and Electronica artists of the 21st Century.  In this harvest, I have intentionally sought out the best artists in a pre-meditated manner, specifically building up a show of music by a cross section of the finest actively releasing artists of our times, along with new releases in Electronic music from, in specific.



Special Programming

I have been working hard in recent weeks upon harvesting and producing a series of new, special  subjective sub-strands of electronica, while working on the development of our live announcing software technology, and in particular it's new program scripting capabilities, which I am to be fully exercising in these special program segments, and in enhanced harvest presentation and play by play announcing.

The first of these segments (all to have visible Sub-Strand names after the program part number), is the Roboticus Electronicus Sub-Strand, or Part Zero of Harvest Number 86, upramping into the harvest which commences with some new robotica electronica by Vostek.  

In each of these special Sub-Strands, rather than just the cryptic trickle of data which we usually present, there is scripted announcing, in where full explanation of the Sub-Strand is presented to bring together the additional content of Synerdata in a more coherent educational entertainment format, and/or to otherwise open up the CTRL-ROOM to a greater degree of hosted presentation of new art and information in each new harvest.

I am really quite excited about the new programming that is coming together here at this time, and hope that everyone finds enjoyable and entertaining this process of developing our Shoutcast Station Live Announcing and Program Production Technology at this time, as these new features are rolled out into regular programming.

In this first Sub-Strand, The Roboticus Electronicus part, there is an expositional introduction to The Technology of Life, and Solid-State Prosthetic human bodies, and new releases about this subject matter and stage of human evolutionary progression.


Harvest 86 Update

I have just completed an update to Harvest 86, so that in addition to new releases from,, and, we also have just over 100 new additions from, where I reviewed all the Trip Hop artists at that classic site, and more new summer releases from, and elsewhere, for over 300 new additions to the Independent Electronica Archives...


Harvest Number 86 - for Summer 2011

I have just completed harvest Number 86, for Summer 2011.  In this harvest, I have once again reviewed all the new releases and artists at since the last harvest, and so I have over 70 hot new tracks selected from the artist community site the station is based at, and then to round out the harvest I have once again visited other community sites, which in this harvest were, and

As I continue refining the mix and producing new versions of the program I expect to continue adding new Trip Hop releases alongside the Ambient Drum Electronica spanning the greater part of this harvest, as it continues.


Harvest Number 85 - For Spring 2011

I am delighted to have Harvest Number 85 on the air for Spring 2011...

Once again, it is a phenomenal cross section of the hottest new releases of the 21st century in electronica and trip hop, presenting a broad scope on the state of the art in contemporary electronic music.

In this harvest, we have the hottest new releases from since our previous harvest, and in this harvest, we also visit, to present a full array of the finest trip hop artists, along with new releases from, and a full array of the latest work by the best artists of the 21st century, who's ongoing work we continue to follow closely over the years through their home sites.

We have over 200 excellent tracks arrayed for harvest number 85, for just over 13 hours of phenomenal new releases, and things.  At times, I am playing pre-recorded multi-part advancing versions of the new harvest, while at other times, I am streaming (and remxing) live from The  CTRL-ROOM on SSI as the program continues evolving each day and night.

For those wondering why we sometimes stream song titles while at other times do not, it has to do with a limitation of our automatic level (gain) controls, such that when there are no individual song titles in the stream metadata, it means automatic level controls is activated, and so the stream sounds it's best, and the volume remains the same from one track to the next, but when there are song titles, it means we are streaming each track at it's own individual inherent levels, and so the volume may increase and decrease from one track to another.  I sometimes stream track titles so that the artist url's are literarily visible to listeners, so you can download the music from the featured artists and buy their CD's and the other things.
