This harvest, and the last, took an unusually long time to complete and get on the air. While it is always worth the wait, things have come a long way from back when harvests were every two weeks, in 2002.
I have over 200 phenomenal new releases on the air to warm up your spring setting, for over 20 hours and 44 minutes of smooth brand, new electronic music, with a playlist off-set of just under 4 hours on each rotation of the planet, shifting the program forward each cycle for those who listen daily at the same times, to work through it over the course of about three days. It's a lot of new music to become familiar with, and so I am still fine-mixing it on the air while we listen.
When I started producing Synerdata Radio for Stream-On-Request play on the internet in 1999, it was at the original mp3com, where all the artists in the world were gathering in vast numbers after it's big IPO, and back then, and after building the live stream station to host the show in Victoria in 2002, almost all harvesting was taking place at {the original} mp3com and (now called, and so it was all very centralized, and the artists knew this community station, which one of the artists contributed to the community as an old radio producer and collector of electronic music. Way up in 2013, the original mp3com has been destroyed now, as was, where most of the mp3com artists went, and were then strategically buried and hidden, and so up now, the artists are scattered all over the world at smaller community sites, net labels, and private domains. I continue to follow the work of the best artists wherever they have migrated to over time, while others have come and gone.
Up now, I still review all new releases at since the last harvest, and so that's the way to ensure I review your work, but otherwise, most of each new harvest up now is coming from a wide array of artist hosting and release sites, wheresoever the best artists may be, and so it's not the same as reviewing 800 new releases every 3 months at (2004-2008), in a highly centralized way, and where the artists were actively attending to producing the music for each new harvest to blend together synergystically. There has been a tendency to download music in album format up now, and so that has also changed the programs somewhat, spotlighting a number of albums in full, variously blended into each show, and giving greater artist spotlight, and over-all program vibe and sound to various artists at prominance.
In Harvest Number 91, there is less vocal Trip-Hop than has been usual, and there is more instrumental electronica. Prominent are a new album by Mauxuam, as well as an artist collective that he is a member of, called Cloud Cycle (, for lot's of cutting edge electronica, and to offset this, there are an array of artists from the Interchill label, presenting the finest modern cultural electronica.
There is a lot of -really- gorgeous and phenomenal new music in this harvest, and so please remember to help support your favorite 21st century artists directly.
Tune in at:
Synerdata.Net Radio!